Sherden Pact Lore!

A website about my little guys.

This website is for me to document all the homebrew lore I come up with for my goofy little toy soldiers. I was a fan of 40k when I was younger and in 2023 returned to the hobby. I mainly just enjoy painting figurines as a relaxing thing to do with my hands that allows me to share quality time with my partner. But almost as much do I enjoy coming up with incredibly elaborate backstories for my little blokes! On this website I document my efforts.

Most of what I will do here will be made up histories and little stories set in the universe thus created. My little guys are the Sherden Pact, the military of the Sanguinary Utnapishtim, itself a mini-empire within Imperium Nihilus. They worship the blood god, Khorne, and on the whole they are really not very nice. I am not sure there is any natural audience for this besides me and my partner. But, I don't know, I think half the fun of a hobby is sharing the joy; so I hope someone else gets something out of this.

Links to story collections are listed in the top tab. Not many of them yet, but I hope to add more as time goes by! If you want some Doylean information, the Background Tab contains information on my own motivations for doing this, as well as the canon sources I am riffing off. I hope all of this will be generally comprehensible without that, but in the end this is a kind of fanfic; even though I use entirely original characters, key to the genre is that I get to rely on background knowledge of the setting. So apologies in advance to anyone new to 40k lore, you may sometimes be a bit lost, even though I have tried to minimise that. The Lore part of the Background section contains at least some notes that might help catch you up. Also, I even include therein a bit of Watsonian scene-setting therein, for anyone who wants a glimpse of the absurd amount of background world building I have written up in notes! Finally, the Behind the Brush page serves as something of a hobby diary, for random 40k based thoughts of various sorts.

A note on art used throughout. Wherever you see an image without credit that means it was me. Either entirely original, or at least it is me riffing off a meme format so common as to be public domain in my entirely not-legal judgement. In all other cases I will credit the artist and, where appropriate, link to the source I saw the art on. I have tried to reach out to artists and ask their permission where I could find their contact details. Where permission was attained I will make a note of that too, if only to keep myself honest. I might change things up as I hear from people. Since these are all going to be public sources (or something the artist specifically made for me) I hope this is ok. But I am very extremely not sure of the etiquette here, and if anybody ever sees some art of theirs they do not want me to show on this webpage for any reason please let me know, and I will take it down no questions asked. Not looking to take other people's art! I have also avoided AI art, which means the stuff by me in particular will be of comically low quality. So it goes!

I hope to keep this updated as I paint more models, incorporate the events of games I play into the lore, and so on and so on. But even after I've finished, I will keep it up in the hope that it provides an absurd amount of light reading for nerds everywhere!